
Split Ease

Managing Large Service Contracts Made Easy

Split Ease

Managing Large Service Contracts Made Easy


To split the contract line items from one service contract to two or more service contracts in order to avoid hitting large cart (i.e., CPU time limit error or heap error).

App Type

Manual Split of Service Contract

App Profile

An easy to install app for Salesforce CRM users, allowing them to manually Split Service Contract and shift needed Contract Line Items from Master Service Contract to New Service Contract. 

App Background

When a user has a Service Contract with a large number of Contract Line Items, they may face issues during Amending or Renewal of that particular service contract. Here the SplitEase App comes into play which will split the Service Contract into multiple (up to 9) Child Service Contracts by shifting Contract Line Items to easily perform amendment and renewal operations in less time.

User Profile

All businesses and markets who are using Service Cloud CPQ subscription-based products, Contract Management, and anyone using Amendment and Renewals operations on those Service Contracts. 

App Highlights

  • User can split Service Contract’s Contract Line Items by manually selecting the needed Contract Line Item that needs to be moved to the new Service Contract.
  • User Can create up to 9 new Service Contracts at a time and can choose which Contract Line Item is to be moved from Master Service Contract to the New Service Contract.
  • We have also provided Filter functionality which makes it easy for the user to choose Contract Line Items from the list.

Managing Large Service Contracts Made Easy
