

Automate Quote PDF Generation on Status Change


Automate Quote PDF Generation on Status Change


To generate a quote document in one click after quote submission.

App Type

Lightning Platform (Process Automation) 

App Profile

An easy to install app for Salesforce CRM users, allowing them to generate a quote document upon one click quote submission. 

App Background

Currently Salesforce doesn’t create a quote document automatically when a quote reaches a specific status. EaseQuotePDF helps configure the quote’s status, based on which the Salesforce CRM user generates an automatic quote document.
EaseQuotePDF provides a Salesforce user the ability to automate Quote PDF generation as per the configured status. 

User Profile

This app is for all markets and businesses using Salesforce Service and Sales Cloud.

App Highlights

  • The user can configure the status for which they want to automate PDF generation.
  • If the user has added new quote line items to the existing quote, then the app will notify them about generating a new quote document. 

Automate Quote PDF Generation